Saturday, September 29, 2012
Music for Tonight ...
Spanish Chill Out ....
Music of the Day,
soul searching
Monday, September 24, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
On 9/11 2012, I can sense his fear , which is so incredibly close to mine, as I could not cease shedding tears during the film .... I can understand why the rating is not high, because the longer these audiences watch the story, the more they loose the sense of security during the time being. The boy is searching for a memorable and secure LOVE he once experienced and possessed with his dad......
Nevertheless, it is due to the insecurity and agitation that developed through the increasing pace and rhythm the director created within the plot that touches my heart.
This is a sensitive and toughing story if you can sense people's pain and suffering after 911.
I like this film very much...
Rating : 8/10
".....Now we have an ambitious, handsomely mounted film version of Jonathan Safran Foer's 2005 novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, adapted by Eric Roth, whose screenplays includeForrest Gump, and directed by Stephen Daldry, the British stage director who moved into the cinema with Billy Elliot...."
Nevertheless, it is due to the insecurity and agitation that developed through the increasing pace and rhythm the director created within the plot that touches my heart.
This is a sensitive and toughing story if you can sense people's pain and suffering after 911.
I like this film very much...
Rating : 8/10
".....Now we have an ambitious, handsomely mounted film version of Jonathan Safran Foer's 2005 novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, adapted by Eric Roth, whose screenplays includeForrest Gump, and directed by Stephen Daldry, the British stage director who moved into the cinema with Billy Elliot...."
Monday, September 10, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Siegfried Idyll 《齊格飛牧歌》
Wanger Dedicated this orchestra piece to his seceret lover Cosima ....
華格納在他的歌劇中常把人聲當作樂器處理,在澎湃的情緒中嘶吼吶喊,與龐大的管絃樂團相抗衡,挑戰人類聲音的極限。然而,身為舉世聞名的歌劇作曲家,儘管歌劇中的管絃樂技法氣勢磅礡,世人卻很少聽到他專為管絃樂創作的作品。華格納只有在19歲時寫過一部完整的交響曲,此後雖然他仍持續嘗試寫作交響曲,但終究沒留下任何新作。他也寫過為數不少的管絃樂曲,但除了《齊格飛牧歌》,大部分作品幾乎是乏人問津。《齊格飛牧歌》中沒有華格納歌劇裡常見的戲劇性張力和壯闊的音響,反之,它用樂器吟詠甜美,深情濃郁溫柔滿溢。這是華格納送給愛妻柯西瑪(Cosima Wagner, 1837-1930)33歲的生日禮物。
Richard Wagner (1813-1883): Siegfried Idyll, WWV 103
Wanger Dedicated this orchestra piece to his seceret lover Cosima ....
華格納在他的歌劇中常把人聲當作樂器處理,在澎湃的情緒中嘶吼吶喊,與龐大的管絃樂團相抗衡,挑戰人類聲音的極限。然而,身為舉世聞名的歌劇作曲家,儘管歌劇中的管絃樂技法氣勢磅礡,世人卻很少聽到他專為管絃樂創作的作品。華格納只有在19歲時寫過一部完整的交響曲,此後雖然他仍持續嘗試寫作交響曲,但終究沒留下任何新作。他也寫過為數不少的管絃樂曲,但除了《齊格飛牧歌》,大部分作品幾乎是乏人問津。《齊格飛牧歌》中沒有華格納歌劇裡常見的戲劇性張力和壯闊的音響,反之,它用樂器吟詠甜美,深情濃郁溫柔滿溢。這是華格納送給愛妻柯西瑪(Cosima Wagner, 1837-1930)33歲的生日禮物。
1852年,華格納和柯西瑪初識於李斯特在巴黎的家中。柯西瑪是李斯特和同居人達古伯爵夫人(Countess Marie d'Agoult, 1805-1876)所生的女兒,華格納則是李斯特的好朋友。華格納在受邀赴會的當時已婚,對眼前這位15歲的害羞少女並沒什麼特別的印象。柯西瑪19歲時和李斯特的鋼琴學生畢羅(Hans von Bülow, 1830-1894)結婚,婚後育有二女。數年後,畢羅已是著名的指揮家兼鋼琴家,應華格納之邀接任宮廷劇院指揮,開始了彼此的合作關係。但在此期間,柯西瑪和華格納的愛火卻悄悄燃起,且一發不可收拾,引來滿城的蜚言流語。畢羅因崇拜華格納而不願面對兩人的背叛,刻意視而不見、聽而不聞,默默隱忍了數年。他不但無私地繼續推介華格納的作品,還黯然接受柯西瑪和華格納所生的小孩。一直到華格納前妻過世,柯西瑪搬到瑞士與華格納同居後,畢羅才心痛地離婚。
1870年,華格納和柯西瑪歷經六年的風風雨雨後終於結婚,在瑞士盧森附近已同居兩年多的別墅特里普聖(Tribschen)正式展開家庭生活。華格納曾說這年是他一生中最快樂的一年。有心愛的妻女為伴,一起迎接兒子齊格飛的誕生,共享幸福,夫復何求。這年的聖誕節清晨,也是柯西瑪生日那天,華格納召集了13名樂手,擠身在柯西瑪房門前狹小的樓梯間中,指揮演出一首柔情浪漫的樂章,將柯西瑪從夢中喚醒。柯西瑪在日記中寫道:「我醒來時彷彿聽到某個聲音,它越來越大聲,讓人再也分不清是夢是真。那音樂持續進行著….那音樂!當樂聲消失,R帶著五個小孩走到我身邊將他的『交響樂的生日問候』放到我的手中時,我頓時熱淚盈眶,全家也都哭了。他在樓梯間弄了一個他的交響樂團,獻上我們永遠的特里普聖!這首曲子就稱為『特里普聖牧歌』…」這就是《齊格飛牧歌》的首演實況。一位浪漫深情的作曲家給愛妻生日當天一個甜蜜的驚喜。為了這個特別的生日禮物,從頭到尾華格納都秘密地進行創作和樂團排練,就連當時寄宿在他家的法國號樂手兼指揮學生李希特(Hans Richter, 1844-1916)也為了當天的演出,躲到湖邊偷練了十三小節的小喇叭樂段。
《齊格飛牧歌》有不少暱稱,它最早的標題是《特里普聖牧歌,飛迪的鳥鳴和橙色的朝陽》(Tribschen Idyll with Fidi's birdsong and the orange sunrise)。飛迪是兒子齊格飛的小名,橙色的朝陽則是戀人間共享的私密記憶。柯西瑪稱它為「晨間夜曲」、「甜美的祕密」,小孩們稱之為「樓梯音樂」,而華格納在曲譜上還另外題上「交響樂的生日問候」。此後每年在柯西瑪生日當天,華格納都會為她私下演奏此作,《齊格飛牧歌》因而成為兩人私藏的瑰寶。但隨著他們的財務日趨困頓,華格納開始有變賣此曲以換取資金的想法,柯西瑪為此感到既難過又委屈,因此讓華格納暫時躊躇不前。1877年,華格納終於不顧柯西瑪反對,逕將它改寫給較大的樂器編制,以《齊格飛牧歌》為題賣給出版商。當此曲在麥寧根公開首演時,柯西瑪悲傷地在日記中寫道:「我甜美的秘密從此被出賣了。」華格納和柯西瑪7年來的私密時刻再也不復存在,柯西瑪私藏的愛的瑰寶從此成了世人的公共財。
《齊格飛牧歌》中主要動機的靈感皆來自華格納創作期間的心情和思緒。寫作《齊格飛牧歌》的同時,華格納也在睽違了12年後,再度執筆繼續寫作四部聯篇歌劇《尼貝龍根的指環》(Der Ring des Nibelungen)中的第三部歌劇《齊格飛》(Siegfried)。因此,《齊格飛牧歌》和歌劇《齊格飛》這兩部作品中有不少重疊的樂思,加上同名的標題,常造成世人的混淆。事實上,歌劇裡的齊格飛是英雄人物,《齊格飛牧歌》裡的齊格飛則是華格納剛出生的兒子,而這兩部作品所要表現的音樂內涵也完全不一樣。《齊格飛牧歌》富有恬靜的田園氣氛,兩支法國號如晨曦般溫暖,絃樂如湖光閃爍,木管樂如晨間鳥鳴。此曲還帶有濃郁的愛戀情愫,每一段旋律都是作曲家對愛情和幸福的虔心刻劃。
一開始的序奏,先在二度音程間游移,蠢蠢欲動的上行音階終究還是停駐在原音徘徊不去,娓娓道出作曲家對妻子不捨的愛戀之情。第一主題是由五度上行音階組成的「愛的動機」,看似簡單卻溫柔滿盈,足以牽動魂魄。此動機最早浮現於1864年華格納和柯西瑪於史塔恩貝格湖前相會時。當時他想創作一部絃樂四重奏,雖然此計畫被擱置下來,但留下的動機後來不僅被使用在《齊格飛牧歌》作為華格納對柯西瑪的親密告白,且再度被引用到歌劇《齊格飛》第三幕中,成為布倫希爾德對齊格飛表白的情歌:「我總是渴望甜蜜的幸福…」。第一主題出現不久後,由長笛奏出下行音階的「睡眠動機」。此動機曾在《指環》的第二部歌劇《女武神》(Die Walküre)最後一幕布倫希爾德即將睡去時出現過。此外,常出現在曲中低沈的反覆三連音,如戀人間甜蜜的叨叨絮絮,總會適時地在各樂段間串場,儘管在全曲中連主要的素材都稱不上,但卻令人印象深刻。
第二主題由雙簧管奏出可愛的「搖籃曲」動機。此動機源自於華格納1868年所寫的搖籃曲《睡吧,孩子,睡吧》(Schlaf’, Kindchen, schlafe),在此隱喻襁褓中的兒子齊格飛。不久後,低音的反覆三連音突然插入打斷,開場的序奏隱約乍現後,「愛的動機」與「搖籃曲」才開始交錯對唱。旋即,反覆三連音又再次打斷,猶豫不決地和絃樂展開短暫的對話。不久後,豎笛在絃樂輕柔的漣音中帶入第三主題「世界之寶」。此時音樂開始向前流動,木管樂器先後加入逐漸形成六重奏,隨後由絃樂重複奏出第三主題。此時,「愛的動機」再次出現,與其他主題再次輪番交錯,情緒越來越濃烈。
至此為止,《齊格飛牧歌》的四個主要動機已全部出現,此後將不時地在曲中相互呼應。絃樂接續「飛迪的鳥鳴」的音型展翅翱翔,「愛的動機」和「世界之寶」彼此交疊進入全曲的高潮,李希特偷練的小喇叭樂段終於在此奏出。反覆三連音突然進入,再次打斷氣氛,樂曲瞬間從絢麗歸於寧靜。曲終,所有主題動機先後再現,反覆三連音欲言又止…. 最後,晨曦照耀,湖光閃爍,大地在鳥鳴聲中慢慢甦醒,華格納對柯西瑪的晨間耳語終於戀戀不捨地結束。
Richard Wagner (1813-1883): Siegfried Idyll, WWV 103
The full title on the original manuscript of Wagner's Siegfried Idyll reads, "Tribschen-Idyll, with Fidi-Birdsong and Orange Sunrise, presented as a symphonic birthday greeting to his Cosima by her Richard, 1870." The "Siegfried" in the title does not refer to the composer's opera of the same name, as is often supposed, but to his infant son, whose pet name was "Fidi." The "orange sunrise" refers to the color of Cosima's bedroom wallpaper, which brightly reflected the morning light. Though the work is sometimes heard in an arrangement for full orchestra, Wagner originally wrote it for an ensemble of 15 players. Having prepared and rehearsed the work in secret, Wagner gathered his small orchestra on the stairway on Christmas morning, 1870, and awakened Cosima with its first performance (Cosima's birthday was December 24; the Wagner family celebrated that day and the Christmas holiday together). Afterward, Wagner and Cosima's five children presented her with the score.
As is reflected in the uncharacteristically (for Wagner) modest scoring, the Siegfried Idyll is a particularly intimate work, meant to acknowledge and celebrate the year that Wagner and Cosima could finally legitimize their union. Several stressful years had passed since Cosima had left her first husband, the conductor Hans von Bülow, in 1866. The divorce was finalized at last in 1870, and in August of that year Cosima and Wagner wed.
Wagner wrote Siegfried Idyll while he was occupied with the completing and intial staging of Der Ring des Nibelungen. The music for Siegfried (1856-71), the third part of the cycle, had caused the composer great difficulty; he had set it aside in frustration in 1857, returning to it only in 1869. Wagner borrowed Siegfried Idyll's principal themes from Siegfried and Die Walküre (1854-56), where they have specific meanings within the cycle's system of leitmotives. Within the context in Siegfried Idyll, however, these themes are take on a more general nature as expressions of triumphant love and affection. Wagner had never intended to publish the work, but financial problems forced him to make it public in 1877.
© All Music Guide
Friday, September 7, 2012
" 黑暗之主" , Vara: A Blessing
他是來自神祕國度的 " 黑暗之主"," 浪漫之神 "!
攝影取自宗薩仁玻切最新電影," VARA ,祝福"
The Dark Lord, The Romantic God !
May all be Released and Transcended.
From the upcoming Film "Vara, A Blessing " Directed by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Please check out the website:
攝影取自宗薩仁玻切最新電影," VARA ,祝福"
The Dark Lord, The Romantic God !
May all be Released and Transcended.
From the upcoming Film "Vara, A Blessing " Directed by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Please check out the website:
Monday, September 3, 2012
The Hunger Game
我們每個人都彷彿在「飢餓遊戲」的競技場中...... — at The Hunger Games Arena.
The Hunger Games:The First Book
Katniss is a 16-year-old girl living with her mother and younger sister in the poorest district of Panem, the remains of what used be the United States. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, "The Hunger Games." The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed. When Kat's sister is chosen by lottery, Kat steps up to go in her place.
我們整天像在飢餓遊戲裡戰爭,這是我們自找的, 是一個很大的電視遊戲的秀。然後我們卻又玩的很入戲。。 。。
從來不知道,跳出競技場只是一個概念性的問題,我們 不隸屬於這個遊戲輪迴的控制,而且,不需要在競技場的世 界,才是正常的!!
當然,我們在地球上,讓我們眼睛所見 的人,我們都分辨不出誰開悟了誰沒有,我們只能在經典上 看到學到。。。。
我們一出生就相信一切事情是眼睛所看到 的,書上學來的,殊不知那只是用攝影機拍攝的一段世界的 影片,況且每一個人都拍的不同!!
我們忘記了把攝影機放 下,把身體放開,不落入有與空,忘記了我們原來就在這個 世界裡,真相一直在。
你不需要別人來告訴你,你證悟了沒 ,你自己會知道!!
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