Saturday, February 27, 2010

Questions to ask for yourself:

Who do I need to become to live the life I desire?

This is important because if you keep doing the same old stuff, keep reacting to things in the same old way then you will keep living the same old life and nothing will ever change.

Try going through today by stopping for a second before you do anything, pause for a moment while you ask yourself, “Who do I need to become to live the life I desire” and then choose the action of the person you want to be instead of the action of the person you were.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the outcomes my friends.

Give it a go

After all you have nothing to lose except an outdated way of living.

P.S It also helps if you take some time out of your day to figure out just who you want to become, life is a journey and while sometimes wandering the unknown with no destination in mind can be fun, eventually you do need to start choosing some exact destinations , some versions of yourself that challenge your existence.
---from Sweetmango

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

深夜裡在加油站遇見蘇格拉底 2


秘密的價值不在於你所知道的事,而在於你所做的事。 Love what you do.





Peaceful Warrior 1 : There are no ordinary moments ...

photo by Claymens
Tittle: Peaceful Warrior ; Author: Dan Millman

Socrates: This moment is the only thing that matters.

Socrates: Where are you?
Dan Millman: Here.
Socrates: What time is it?
Dan Millman: Now.
Socrates: What are you?
Dan Millman: This moment !

Mindancer: There is no purpose in life, but only causes and consequences, which cannot be altered at any moment in time.

How to feel alive?
It is not the death that is fearful, but that most of people never live ...
Stay focused at every moment; listen to the voice insight your heart; open up every sense at the present moment; disregard the past and the future; let go of your controlling mind.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


天空的霧來的漫不經心 河水像油畫一樣安靜
和平鴿慵懶步伐押著韻 心偷偷的放晴
祈禱你像英勇的禁衛軍 動也不動的守護愛情
你在回憶裡留下的腳印 是我愛的風景

我要送你日不落的想念 寄出代表愛的明信片
我要送你日不落的愛戀 心牽著心把世界走遍
你就是慶典 你就是晴天
我的愛未眠 不落的想念
飛在你身邊 我的愛未眠

愛的巴士總是走了又停 微笑望著廣場上人群
我要把愛全都裝進行李 陪我一起旅行
我要送你日不落的想念 寄出代表愛的明信片
我要送你日不落的愛戀 心牽著心把世界走遍

祈禱你像英勇的禁衛軍 動也不動的守護愛情
你在回憶裡留下的腳印 是我愛的風景
我要送你日不落的想念 寄出代表愛的明信片
我要送你日不落的愛戀 心牽著心把世界走遍

Sunday, February 7, 2010

藥師琉璃光王佛1 : 十二大願

一、自他身光明熾盛之願。   二、威德巍巍開曉眾生之願。   三、使眾生飽滿所欲而無乏少之願。   四、使一切眾生安立大乘之願。   五、使一切眾生行梵行,具三聚戒之願。   六、使一切不具者諸根完具之願。   七、除一切眾生眾病,令身心安樂,證得無上菩提之願。   八、轉女成男之願。   九、使諸有情解脫天魔外道纏縛,邪思惡見稠林,攝引正見之願。   十、使眾生解脫惡王劫賊等橫難之願。   十一、使飢渴眾生得上食之願。   十二、使貧乏無衣者,得妙衣之願。
詳解請見 Blog : "菩提樹之舞"


Friday, February 5, 2010




空照無明身無處,慧根有意,撒網瑟界翡。 By Mindancer

Thursday, February 4, 2010



----"蘇幕遮" ----范仲淹