Thursday, March 31, 2011

金色筆記: 不要因為...


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wine Tasting....

92 pt , Full Aroma, Blackcurrant, Cheese, Chocolate,  a bit of Tanin... Excellent to drink young...

"你是幸運的" 1 : Joyful Wisdom

Joyful Wisdom


Marc Chagall 4: It is all about Love ~

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Charity: What’s Next: Retailing with Heart , Stanford Social Innovation Review

Venture into a Panera Cares café and you’ll see the same menu and racks of freshly baked breads that are staples at the 1,400 Panera Bread restaurants across the United States. The only thing missing is the cash register. Instead, there’s a donation box where customers pay on the honor system.

What’s Next: Retailing with Heart (March 16, 2011) | Stanford Social Innovation Review

Friday, March 25, 2011

金色筆記: 在我生命中的每一天 !

金色筆記: 滿滿的都是愛

In fact, this is TRUE LOVE !!!
打個結 綁起來 就分不開
靠著你 不小心 就飛起來
去滑翔 去沖浪 讓太陽曬

只要跟著你 就很放心 放了一百二十顆心
只要想到你 就很開心 喔滿天都是小星星

* 滿滿的都是愛 想不到那麼快 遇見你什麼都說出來 誰叫我就是愛 愛你的一點點呆 很難不被你打敗 滿滿的都是愛 像香檳滿出來 我的愛像氣泡飄起來 地球轉得很快 心臟快要跳出來 想要逃也逃不開

桃紅色 讓心情 都好起來
粉水晶 讓愛情 都亮起來
敞蓬車 跑得快 昨天bye bye
只要跟著你 就很放心 二十四小時都不膩
只要想到你 就很開心 哼我最愛的melody...耶...

給我彩虹白日夢 甜甜蜜蜜和鬧哄哄
打開天空對我說 愛就像蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡 嗡...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


The Twentieth Wife
原文作者:Indu Sundaresan

無論在哪個國度,在哪個階級,在皇室在平民,愛情總是述說著相仿的故事;有著漫不經心的相遇,自幼醞釀的理想願望,有著因無法如願更激起的思念,有著並非完全單純的情感與慾想......! 作者描繪著一位美麗女子在中年才嫁入蒙吾兒家族的點滴,而後又參予國政近乎十五年之久。鮮麗生動,有如身歷其境的觸摸著她的面紗....

"他欣賞她的強韌的獨立性,很深的自我意識,及對自己行為的信念,她的鄙視規範,踐踏規範 !"

Fudo Myoo's Protection for Japan :

Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche:

"Please chant “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha” for this fragile earth that we live on, for this fragile earth that we forget to love and care for. And for those who live in Japan, now is the time to remember and beseech the protection and blessing of the sublime Fudō Myōō. "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Marc Chagall 3: Where are his paintings?

Pictures of Musee National Message Biblique Marc Chagall, Nice
Musee National Message Biblique Marc Chagall at Nice, France:

This photo of Musee National Message Biblique Marc Chagall is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Nice, France.

Marc Chagall 2 : I and the Village

Famous Russian-Jewish artist, Marc Chagall (1887-1985) , was born in Belarus, but later became a naturalized Frenchman in 1909. The fact that he grew up in a small village would play a prominent role in many of his paintings, including his well-known creation ‘I and the Village’ painted in Paris in 1911.

Clearly exhibiting aspects of Cubism, ‘I and the Village’ is a lively composition of various objects, human features and animal components that are fragmented, superimposed, and randomly assembled to produce an abstract arrangement. The colours are vibrant and a stark contrast exists between the red, the green and the blue. It is a painting that provides multiple viewpoints and distinctive perspectives.


Influenced by a childhood spent in rural surroundings, Chagall’s ‘I and the Village’ is a dreamlike representation of goats, pastures, a farmer, a violinist, and simplistic images of houses, some of them upside-down. The whole could be viewed as a jigsaw puzzle extracted from a child’s imagination.

The painting possesses a significant amount of intrigue and symbolism. In the foreground of the painting, a green-faced man, wearing a cross around his neck, a cap on his head, and holding a glowing tree, stares directly across at the head of a goat, which encompasses another smaller goat being milked. In the background, a row of houses, an Orthodox church, and a man dressed in black carrying a scythe hurries past an upside down woman playing what appears to be a violin.

The geometric shapes and symbols grab the viewer’s attention. The small and large circles have been said to represent 3 spatial phenomena: the sun’s revolution in orbit, the earth’s revolution around the sun, and the moon’s revolution around the earth. Some have interpreted the smaller circle in the lower left-hand corner as an eclipse.

‘I and the Village’ illustrates the give and take between beings and the vibrant natural world surrounding them. It is a powerful display of the mutual relationship between humans, animals and plants.

“I and the Village” by Marc Chagall is housed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, USA.
Self Portrait 7 Fingers

C'est La Vie : Southern Taiwan

 "Travel is the frivolous part of serious lives and the serious part of frivolous ones! "  -- Sophie Swetchine
Does it look like a Tropical Region here at Southern Beach of Taiwan ?
With Trojan Horse at E-Da World

At 海角七號's 夏都 Hotel ~~ Although I do not like the movie much .....!

A Golden Night at Hyatt