Saturday, May 23, 2009

Chianti ....

Chianti , at Da-An Road, Taipei, a boutique, unique and romantic Italian restaurant!
Sitting in there, I can quietly watch all the pedestrians lobbying passing by the Taipei city, which is a transcendental experience. I see all kinds of people, relationships, and fashion styles. The stake was so so, not enough service people. (Score :79.5)
Chianti, Tuscany, a beautiful site in Italy.
If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.—Marvin Gaye

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blue and White Porcelain: 青花瓷

Critiqued by its cultural heritage and unfathomable fragility, Blue and White Porcelain always claims its highest price and value in the world wide auction, Sotheby's and Christies. US $3,000,000 is not uncommon.

I love Jay Chou's song so much that I fall into loving Blue and White Porcelain... :) As following:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Venice 6: Titian ; 天地不過是一瞬

"自其變者觀之﹐ 天地不過是一瞬﹐而彩虹是天地的一瞬﹐而我是彩虹裡一瞬間的寄寓。"

殊不知,在你我一彈指間,一個眼神的交換,我們的命運便千千世世牽連在一起。 而你在靜觀彩虹時,霎那間更是領悟了無始無終的存在。願,你我在內心最深處,珍藏那霎那的永恆!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

On Love...

Giving out love without any expectation of returns seems a humanly impossible task, only non human being can perform such profound deed. Yes, Love is a verb, an action to be performed. That is why there is something eternal, something beyond: Bodhisattva's compassion and love .

Mothers, sometimes do feel themselves possess such moral ethics, yet they do not understand and inspect their own motives of loving their children, whether the motives are self-benefiting or not. On Mothers Day, we do need to be grateful for all mothers, for they do possess the kind of love that is most unconditional and non-self aiming compared with other kind of love, such as romantic love.

Not to beseech too much, we human beings do, however, give out love and care with an underneath wish for some returns, either moment of pride or appreciations from others, or further compensation.

And this is why, whenever we expect, we wish, we fantasize, and then we do not feel so happy after all.

After all, love is an action with an aftermath feeling of hollowness inside, if one does not have enough energy to give. Only if one has transcended oneself with universal oneness, he would not feel so empty at all.

For Lovers, two independent persons need to feel ONE together, truly one entity , in order to be truly in love. They can have different opinions with small things, yet they do need to possess the same universal spiritual view: to love one another is to exist. Otherwise, they are not lovers, but an unbalanced relationship, which can exist only when one becomes budihisattva.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A poetic afternoon...

"My friend is one... who takes me for what I am."

"O beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror...."

Friday, May 1, 2009

Poetry 1-2: 泰戈爾 , ( 飛鳥集, Stray Birds)

Dark clouds become heaven's flowers when kissed by light.

Life has become richer by the love that has been lost...



Poetry 1-1: 泰戈爾

Thou wilt find, Eternal Traveller, marks of thy footsteps across my songs...
"永恆的旅客"啊, 你將在我的吟唱中找到你的足跡....