Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Paris 5: Inspired by Pombidou ...

Walking into Pombidou Posting...

Milano 4: Duomo at night...

Spooky Giant...

Venice 13: Early Morning pool side at rooftop....

8:00 am at the pool side on top of roof at Hilton, Venice .

Not Smiling? too cold and too windy ....with lots of sunblock...

Monday, September 28, 2009

金色筆記 15: Patric Swayze; Legendary Romance

一句無心的話,以為這人是如此的陌生 ?
一句關心,以為這人將是自己今生今世的知己 ...


上她的眼神? 愛上他的凝視? 愛上她的嬌媚? 愛上他的瀟灑?
愛上她的藝術氣息? 愛上他的才華洋溢?
愛上她的軟噥話語? 愛上他的豪情大器?
愛上她的霸氣? 愛上他的溫柔?
愛上她的美麗? 愛上她的驕柔? 但是哪一天,外表的她不再是她了....

哪麼還愛不愛?? 無聊到極點的問題...但是,大部分人都不愛了。

Ghost 裡就有這麼一幕反駁......



Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wednesday Letters 3: Reviews ***

The writing of Wednesday Letters is not as poetic and deeply depicted as an award winning writer would do, however, not as weak and fragmented as some book reviewers in the amazon.com described. I do believe if this novel has been written for a screen play, it might have featured for a good original screen writing. Because there are many redundant and fragmented conversations and dialogue which you can find only on screens or plays; there are not enough beautiful descriptions of the scenery, atmosphere , and not much inner psychological conflict analysis and portraits.

However, the writing tells the story in a comfortable rhythm that the plot becomes clear with a meaningful transformation. I rate this novel 3 stars, an easy reading that has addressed couple essential topics in our heart: Romantic Love, family love, brotherhood love and Forgiveness. The only reflection I have is the Weekly Letters .....

Reviewers in amazon gave very extreme ratings, either 5 stars or one star, either very moving, and a must read novel or a waste of time reading.

Wednesday Letters 2: (星期三的信) 愛上快樂谷的Jason F. Wright

傑森‧萊特(Jason F. Wright)1971年生於美國密蘇里,為紐約時報、華爾街日報及今日美國報暢銷作家,文章散見於各大報章雜誌,同時也是CNN、FoxNews等電視台邀約演講的常客,主題包括寫作、流行文化與社會議題等。已出版過四本小說,包括The James Miracle(2004)、Christmas Jars(2005)、《星期三的信》、Recovering Charles(2008)。萊特曾於德國、巴西等地居住,2007年,為了創作《星期三的信》,他到維吉尼亞州的快樂谷(Shenandoah Valley)進行探訪,從此愛上了當地的環境,於是和妻子、兩個兒子和兩個女兒搬到快樂谷定居。作者擅長描寫溫暖人心的故事。

Wednesday Letters 1: 愛妳沒有原因...

十月份書目: Wednesday Letters (星期三的信)






Thursday, September 24, 2009

Music Therapy 1 : Intimacy

Music for Intimacy : For some people a light popular song will do, for some individual, a special music is required for an passionate intimacy, because in Mahler's symphony, we can hear the incessant motives and layering melody expanding through time and space; just as if during the intimacy, one needs this guidance for variety and inspiration.

「第九號交響曲」像個死亡封印,貝多芬、舒伯特、布魯克納先後烙痕而離世,因此馬勒相當忌諱。迸現於手稿第一樂章的字句:「啊,青春已消逝!啊,愛情已逃逸!」埋伏了馬勒生命老矣、愛妻離異的缺憾,然而行板的夾縫裡啪然揚起的天才殘翼,卻是Blue Mahler一生「最光輝」的樂章,可窺見他已不畏死亡及其心底的反撲:「溫柔樂段之後,會有如火山爆發般的反噬高潮!」(樂評家貝爾格)

Mahler Symphony No. 9

Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r6DbdeorgE
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8YUIG3YgxQ&feature=related

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


You are right.
with Ravel's Gaspal ...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Paris 4: Pombidou; Chargall

Marc Chargall (1887-1985)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Paris 3: Pompidou; Picasso

1930's Surrealism Period : A woman after orgasm...
1930's Dream: what is she dreaming ....?

Classicism Period .
Picasso had two favors in his life, woman and bull, symbolized in sex and power, which often became the major subjects of his paintings. His lover ( later wife) became almost the sole character in his female expressions ...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

金色筆記 14 : 行住坐臥間...

Sunday Rereat:


然而誰是最源頭的始作俑者? 應說雙方早已在內心累積了太多的判斷與偏見,星星之火皆可燎原。成為雙方爭執不下的原因,都是因為太為自己著想,為自己辯護。

也許,在任何時候,都不該有太多的顧忌,不要有太多的偏見,不要有太多的分別心... 。事實上,都不該有。

Friday, September 18, 2009

金色筆記之13: Arias from Venice ....威尼斯的情歌



一天,這位男子坐著船打算遠渡而來,探望這位心儀已久的女子。然而路途遙遠,他卻染上重病,在船上過世了! 船夫仍帶著他的身體,引領到他愛人的身邊。奇蹟似的,由於這位女子的愛,與眼淚,竟使她的愛人甦醒過來。兩人相擁而泣。。。不久後,兩人便一起攜手歸天了....

好感動. 該感動.....

Mindancer 居然有兩個我,自我,本我,完全的牴觸矛盾:

只是,超我, 別人眼中的我,對Mindancer 已漸漸不怎麼重要,哪天,若能巧妙的把兩個我結合,也許一起超脫也是件浪漫到無限極至的事。

Venice 12: St. Marco

Mosaic germ, Gold plates and Paintings by Tintoretto and Veronese decorate the whole basilica, built in 8th ct.

Paris 2: Autumn Champs Elysees

September, 2009
4th visit to Paris ...

Autumn has sneaked into Avenue des Champs Elysees ..., while all the traffics remain busy and civilized as ever...
I was on the way to my hotel from Pompidou, inspired by the poetic scenery, yet within the humanity of mankind, whatever that means to you.

Milano 2: Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

As soon as immersing in this flamboyant boutique palace, I suddenly forgot the incoming economic crisis that all economics had warmed us!
How can any fahion advocate escape from ... such spendid products:
Prada Shoes, Loius Vuitton Bags, and Gucci Belts.

Milano 1: The Duomo

The Duomo in Milan : This is one of the most delicate artistic master architectures in the world.

As standing in front of the hundreds of biblical stories and statues, for not being a Christian, I can still touch the awe and spectacular of something higher than human being, although these biuldings were established by human in 15 ct.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Verona 2: The Legendary Balcony of Juliet's

I did try to act the scene.... O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? —Juliet, at her window, laments that her love is Romeo, son of Montague, the enemy of her father Capulet.

Verona 1: Where Romeo and Juliet taken place

An adventurous walking tour in the early morning : at the Entrance to the Piazza of Arena in Verona.

Nothing is open but stood here with the monumental gigantic historical site: Arena, where Romeo and Julia was first performed in Italy.

I missed the Opera "La Traviata", and the "Tosca", as there was no performance on Wednesday night.

Across street from the Arena, the night life was boiling at the bars, restaurants and the boutique shops.

Venice 10: Night at St. Marco

After the gondola ride, as romantic and dreaming as Venice could prevail, I wore the famous Venetian Mask stalking down the palace at night...

Byzantine Style: There is no color mosaic glass windows but lots of gigantic size paintings, frescoes, gold, germs, and decors. Huge Domes, Arches, arched windows / doors, and larger than living sized sculptures.

Venice 11: Historica Rigatta at Ca'doro

from Ca'dOro, a gorgeous marble building.
Ca' d'Oro means 'House of Gold', and this building was once famed for its decorated and gilded façade.

Venice 9: Dawn viewing from Hilton Stucky

7:00 AM Hotel Hilton Stucky, at the island across from St. Marco.

Shooting in the boat going to St. Marco:

金色筆記之12: Who cares about your life?

A friend of mine, an anti-marriage activist, would always argue about the value and the drawbacks of marriage, while he argues that companionship would serve the same purpose of marriage but not the faults. In some degree, he is right. Nevertheless, human nature has the tendency to destroy and overthrow something that is not legalized, of which plots the essential reason that marriage system exists in thousand years.

Marriage is not going to give us anything, especially happiness, but an experience of living with somebody we think appropriate to be with. Romantic Love is not required usually; however, a brotherhood love becomes the necessity to sustain the relationship.

While being away from home for 2 weeks, I can sense the wonderfulness to have somebody sharing your life experience with, no matter it is about endless shopping at Prada, Chanel, or panting and climbing stairs of the Arena, or the missing and delay flight from the transfer... However, these things do need a companion, a best friend, or a lover to accomplish.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Venice 8: The Dodge's Palace

September, 2009

Secrete Itinerary : Escape of Basinova, who is a Christian revolutionary rivalry, and finally escaped to Paris in the 16 ct.

The Two Statues, and the Lion, Symbols of Heroism and Power of governors and economics in Venice:

Ceiling of Stairways to Basilica

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Four Minutes1 :


這就是我的聲音 我的吶喊 我的靈魂



Venice 7: Vivaldi (1678-1741)

Pure Chamber, not as complex as Bach's polyphonic style, listening to Vivaldi is as if engulfing myself in the nature, walking into a woods at dawn, with beautiful birds singing, rabbit running, sometimes deers chased by tigers, sometimes with rains, and thunder storms. Vivaldi was my savior in high school years.

Winter, Venetian Mask and Venice:
Summer, Mutter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DWAdJKUlxo
Today at the church of the Pietà there remains a vestige of the tradition with an ensemble of young women, Le Putte Veneziane di Vivaldi, (pictured, S. Maria della Pietà ) professional musicians who perform at the church and wear the original 18th century Venetian costumes. Another instrumental group, Le Venexiane, composed entirely of female members, is also associated with the church.