Saturday, July 30, 2011

「遣悲懷」的如夢幻泡影: 1


駱以軍,堪稱當代華人作家的頂尖精英,他的魔幻技法在「百年孤寂」裡探索多年,也在張大春的課堂影響下發展,進而加入了抒情詩,"深入他人內心" 的小說技法,與對人們的觀察自省,漸漸走出自己獨特的風格。他在書中赤裸裸的挖掘出自己內心自少年時期的恐懼,被遺棄的恐懼,不被接納的恐懼,有時以猥瑣肉慾形式的喃喃自語,有時發出歇斯底理的悲傷,有時借助對逝去的友人們的疑惑,給予了魔幻似的時空交錯的長篇幅的自省。



To be continued .

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Glance: Lady in Red

 有誰說人身是不淨的? 原因只不過是你眼裡的不潔。

滿心的感謝~ 止乎於禮~

Dear Friends, the most important thing in the world is to love and to be compassionate toward yourself, to your loved one, and to the universe .....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


南無佛陀耶 南無達摩耶 南無僧伽耶 
南無室利 摩訶提鼻耶 怛你也他:唵 
三曼陀 達舍尼羅佉 摩訶毗羅伽帝 
三曼陀 毗陀尼那伽帝 
摩訶迦梨 波帝波婆邇 
薩婆哆訶 三曼陀 修缽梨富隸 
阿夜那 達摩帝 摩訶毗鼓畢帝 
摩訶彌勒 簸僧祇帝 
醯帝 蓰三博祇悕帝 
三曼陀 阿他 阿耨婆羅尼 薩婆訶 

01. 南無佛陀耶(namo buddhaya):「皈依佛」
02. 南無達摩耶(namo dharmaya):「皈依法」
03. 南無僧伽耶(namo samghaya):「皈依僧」
04. 南無(namo):「禮敬」
05. 室利(sri):「吉祥」
06. 摩訶(maha):「大」
07. 提鼻耶(deviya):「天女」
08. 怛你也他(tadyatha):「即說咒曰」
09. 唵(om):咒語起始語,「極讚」之意
10. 波利富流那(pari-purana):「圓滿」
11. 遮利(care):「行」
12. 三曼陀(samanta):「普遍」
13. 達舍尼羅佉(darsanerakha):「照見」
14. 摩訶(maha):「大」
15. 毗羅伽帝(vihara-gate):「寺院」
16. 三曼陀(samanta):「普遍」
17. 毗陀尼那伽帝(vidhanagate):「教誡」
18. 摩訶 迦梨(maha karya):「大事業」
19. 波帝波婆邇(pratisthapane):「安住」
20. 薩婆哆訶(sarvartha):「一切事」
21. 三曼陀(samanta):「普遍」
22. 修缽梨富隸(suparipurune):「極善圓滿」
23. 阿夜那(ayana):「接近」
24. 達摩帝(dharmate):「法性」
25. 摩訶 毗鼓畢帝(maha vikurvite):「大神通」
26. 摩訶 彌勒(maha-maitri):「大慈」
27. 簸僧祇帝(upa-samhite):「饒益」
28. 醯帝(hite):「利益」
29. 蓰三博祇悕帝(su-sam-grhite):「支配」
30. 三曼陀(samanta):「普遍」
31. 阿他(artha):「事業」
32. 阿耨婆羅尼(anupalane):「護持」
33. 薩婆訶(svaha):咒語結尾語,「成就」之意

【參考書目 Bibliography】

Monday, July 18, 2011

Justice 1 : Reader's Review

Sandel's discussion, based on a popular course he teaches at Harvard, mixes a pretty good dose of 'history of political philosophy' with an interesting selection of hypothetical and real life 'cases', meant to stimulate thinking and understanding of the difficulties one faces when one's mission is to distribute 'justice'.

Is affirmative action justified as a criterion for college admission? Are the handicapped entitled to jobs their handicaps prevent them from performing well? Are abortions 'murder' or an expression of free choice? Should the State get out of the 'marriage' business altogether? Is it okay to kill and eat a sick boy about to die anyway if that would save the lives of three men? These are some of the dilemmas Sandel presents his students. And, for context - or is this the true purpose of the course? - he presents a summary of what he considers to be some of the more prominent thinking on the matters of morality and justice: the Utilitarians, Kant, Aristotle, John Rawls.

The journey ends with an attempt to answer the initial question: what is Justice for? And, now, that we better understand the main arguments and their proponents and we saw how they applied in 'real life', Sandel is ready to reveal his preference. He rejects Justice as a means to maximize the collective welfare because there's no way to accurately measure happiness and because not everything that gives us pleasure is worth pursuing or even 'good'. He dismisses the libertarian view of Justice as defender of our freedoms and individual rights because we are a society, not isolated individuals and because there are moral standards that are imposed by society on us. He supports a Justice that promotes a community where Virtue is celebrated, where civilized debate is possible, where good people and good deeds are recognized, and honor rewarded. Who wouldn't?

I found the history part of the course to be the most interesting. The author's deep understanding of the philosophers and thinkers he covers gives him the ability to present them to the students in a manner that's succinct and interesting without missing the essence. His presentation of Kant and Aristotle are among the best 'introductions' I've heard or read anywhere. While I respect the author's choice of what to cover and what not to, I feel that there were too many missing views if this was meant to be a brief history of moral thinking and political philosophy. There was nothing on the revolutionary, especially Marxist notions of class struggle and the class nature of morality. Nothing or very little on Religion and its views on morality and its role in enforcing it and dispensing Justice. Nothing on anything or anyone outside of what we usually call 'the Western world'. Were/are there any moral thinkers or political philosophers in China? India? I can think of a few. Nothing on nationalism, feminism or ethnocentrism and the way they view Justice.

The cases presented were by and large interesting even though, most of them being recent 'real-life' issues decided and settled by the courts or legislatures, the outcome was not a surprise and some of the arguments should be familiar. Almost with no exception, Sandel appears to be supporting the establishment's view, agreeing with the way all settled cases were settled and disagreeing with those who opposed the settlement and staying neutral and presenting 'both sides' on some issues not yet settled - abortion, same-sex marriage, stem cell research.

The course ends with the author's expressing a preference for a view of Justice as promoter and perhaps enforcer of the good, virtuous and communal life where the rich are happily sharing their bounty with the less fortunate who, far from resenting them, stay engaged in a civil, open and never-violent debate and dialogue on the good life and how to make it even better. If it sounds as an over-simplification it's probably because it is. We receive very few hints on how we can move from our current litigious, ethnocentric, highly income-polarized, over-materialistic, voluntarily segregated society to the ideal Polis that Plato, Aristotle and, with some adjustments, Sandel dream of.

by A. Dent "Aragorn"

Saturday, July 16, 2011


"倘若你將在三個月內離開人間,你會不會繼續做你現在​做的事? " 你生命中重要的順序是不是會改變?" 

生死習題 1 :



原文作者:Rodney Smith



羅尼.史密斯 Rodney Smith

羅尼.史密斯曾在緬甸追隨馬哈希尊者(Mahasi Sayadaw)剃度出家,之後前往泰國的「解脫自在園」(Wat Suan Mok)追隨佛使比丘(Ajahn Buddhadasa)修行了三年。1983年還俗之後,成為安寧病房的專職工作人員,並於全美國指導內觀禪修。過去十六年來,羅尼全心投入安寧療護領域中各種不同的工作。目前,他是全職的禪修老師,舉辦禪修課程、禪修營,並提供心靈諮商。他是麻州巴瑞市(Barre)「內觀禪修社」 (Meditation Society)的資深指導老師,亦是西雅圖「內觀禪修社」的創辦人之一與指導老師。

序摘:"  死去的感覺是什麼? 面臨死亡時,你的心會發生什麼事? 死去的那個人又是誰? 死亡是一道通網愛與彼此相依連的門戶,死亡將我們的心胸打開,讓心流露出慈悲。 那麼,你的本性是什麼? 不會死的是什麼?" 

當我們身體敗壞死去後,是否還有麼東西是不死的?事實上,我們不需要透過身體的五官,我們就應該擁有能力感受到身邊發生的一切,甚至宇宙的一切;這是不需要依賴一個器具,也就是用身體來感知的。現代科技的radiation 技術都可以證明這個觀念的正確性。不過,也就是因為,我們蒙蔽了這個與生俱來的能力,死亡這個必然來到的現象,令我們不知所措。

導論: " 認知到死亡議題,與<讓死亡深入心中> ,這兩者之間有很大的距離! 不過,我們沒有必要等到生病了才想到要去獲取瀕死的資訊。Joseph Campbell 曾經說,真正的追求不是為了生命的意義,而是真正<活著>的體驗。許多末期病患在頻死期間便成了一個真正<活著>的人!

chapter 1:

他們能夠在這個世界與另個空間時間遊走。時常他們說看到已過世的人,實際上那並不是他們的幻覺,而是他們見到我們見不到的世界 !


真的是我們的心在說話?還是我們的頭腦在告訴我們: 這是我們的心在說話? 這兩者是不同的! 我們必須弄清楚! (p39)

當你試著仔細去了解發生什麼事情時,變化失去能禦之病人將在 何時死亡的能力。你若一直想解開直覺密碼的企圖心,這將干擾了自己的預知能力!

真正的欣賞是在當下這一刻,欣賞是物當下的樣貌! 當我們頻臨死亡時,輝發現很難去乎是當下的美好事物! (P41)
每天靜坐十分鐘,單純地傾聽大自然的聲音!!!! (P45)

***** 我們的心若想解脫,就要與冒險同行,踏出沒有保証的一步!!