Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ways of Seeing 4 : 廣告是一種政治現象。。。


"廣告操弄的是焦慮! 是一種恐懼,一種倘若你一無所有就成為一無所是的恐懼。"


大家以為,二十一世紀的世代改變了,是男女平等的時代? 事實上,自廣告來評判,現代的宣傳品與一百年前的潛在觀念,還是相差不遠....

對於媒體上的廣告,Mind Dancer 常拿來當"超級娛樂" 的工具! 因為實在是太過操弄......不過,偶爾不小心也會上當呢.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Personal reflection of Facebook

Personally, I think it is a waste of time to wonder around in the Facebook for a real person who has real friends in contact in the real world.

However, in the social network, there are several different kinds of relationships, which include very close one, fair close one, middle, and farther relationships. For some people who do sales and marketing business would use Facebook to gather a party, conference, or make announcements. For some business, non-profit organization, or celebrities, Facebook is an international / web platform to do propaganda and advertisement. It is the by-product of Web 2.0 and a good one which value a big money I think. One day, it will be like yahoo going on list ....I presume...

I am a facebook user and I did meet couple friends sharing similar interests overseas,( such as music, Buddhism...) with real names attached to it. Some of them may want to visit Taiwan or we might plan to go for a particular event, such as Buddhism Retreat.

Facebook is a good business model for social network I would say, only if you know how use it properly.

A Curious Case of Benjamin Button 3 :

主角體驗人生將是不斷的失去,擁有,挑戰,冒險,珍惜,原諒,被拋棄,被呵護. 有一天,我們的身體都會自大地中消失,將是孤獨的來,也將是孤獨的去。 永遠存在的是: 每一刻鐘的愛與珍惜。

最疼愛他的,最偉大無私的母親,Benjamin 都無法在他去世前守候,一切都走的很隨意,很隨機,很無法預知...。反觀我們身邊的人事物,也許,每分鐘的相聚都該慶幸。
* Pombidou: 代表的是現代的藝術,思維與變遷。

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ways of Seeing 3 : How do I see you....

九月份書目: 觀看的方式:
當我們觀看時,我們秉持著一種想法,一種態度。這不是單純的語言能夠表達的深度。 這包含著心中的偏見,醞釀的情感,世俗的觀念,以及觀看者(作畫者)欲想賦予的表現方式。
油畫的發展,不只是技術,自文藝復興始,是最精確表達財富的一種發明,包括油畫中美麗的女人,尤其是裸體的女性,更是其炫燿權力及財富的方式。希臘神話裡的女神一直都是畫家心目中完美女性的形象,撫媚嬌態毫無掩飾的誘惑。對於西洋油畫,我們時常都賦予太過神聖的評價! 不過在1900年之後,攝影的發明,改變了油畫的功用。 本書,打破傳統的看法,讓畫家與畫中的人物活生生的呈現。 即使是聖經裡的聖母,表現的是慈祥母親的形象,卻也不是那樣的高不可攀。
品味與眼睛的訓練又何嘗不是如此? 我們的眼睛不斷的在知識薰陶下改變其檢視人事物的方式!

John Berger 是英國當代最具影響力的藝術批評家。寫作風格充滿時代感,以其敏銳的觀察及對影像特有的解讀能力,寫出了兩本讓你知道什麼是「看」?怎樣「看」的名著:一本是配合英國國家廣播公司電視節目寫成的《藝術觀賞之道》(Way of Seeing);另一本則是《影像的閱讀》(About Looking)。這兩本書所討論的,雖然是以繪畫和攝影為主,其涵蓋面卻包括廣告、新聞、文學、電影、電視等,眼光擴及「視覺與文化」的關連性。 以下:::
The BBC Episode:



Friday, August 21, 2009

We are parent's Net Loss !

A friend of mine raised the following discussion:

Raising children is a "net loss" because you don't get anything in the end other than that fuzzy warm feeling in your heart. And that's if you are lucky, if your children grew up to become someone useful who can survive on their own without coming back to bother you or asking money from you.

For this particular concern, I think I am doing some self-reflection.

I came from a well-off family, since my ancestors and my parents did work very hard to build up the family wealth. I ask my self: Am I asking money from my parents by not even compensating their raising effort? Am I not mature enough by inherit much from them but not showing much appreciation? Am I complaining much about not receiving enough ? Although the answer is not positive or extreme, I feel their generosity and love already ; nonetheless, they do ask for much care and time sometimes in return.

I think, to be a parent, you need to educate them to be independent and be appreciative when they are still very young. They need to learn to make an effort to gain whatever they would like to earn. Nothing should be given to them as a gift that they DESERVED to have. Nothing. Parents only have the responsibilities to raise them still 18, to educate them to be a capable and wise person, to teach them be able to combat in the society successfully when needed. Like any animals, children have to leave their parents to survive in the cruel world !!

I think if parents really indulge their children to be a total useless person, they are really bad and harmful parents in a sense. I, myself, do not think I possesse this kind of abilities, so as a woman, I should let others bear this profound responsibilities.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Paris 1: Pombidou Exhibition 1 (- Sep, 2009) , Henri Brezeska

Brezeska ( 1891-1915), a 20ct cubism artist, once said: " When I face the beauty of nature, I am no longer sensitive to art, but in the town I appreciate its myriad benefits—the more I go into the woods and the fields the more distrustful I become of art and wish all civilization to the devil; the more I wander about amidst filth and sweat the better I understand art and love it; the desire for it becomes my crying need."

As a cultivated inner emotional product as art present, it extracts the most humanist instinct, including sweat, jealousy, desire, impulse, fire, copulation, love and purity.

* Self Portait. Dancer. Bird Erect. Dancer

Monday, August 17, 2009

Rhapsody of Lake Shore 1 : 日出的色彩


這ㄦ的水是淡的,沒有鹹味,眼裡望去看不著邊際,總覺得對岸,湖的另一邊有人跟我一樣,看著第一道署光。 這道光薇微的淡橘色就幾秒鐘的時間,好像跟著他走,將帶你到一個不可知的世界...


金色筆記之11: Yeats's Salley Gardens

Down by the Salley Gardens

Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;
She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.
She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;
But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree.

In a field by the river my love and I did stand,
And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.
She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs;
But I was young and foolish, and now am full of tears.

Young and Foolish as I as every one in the world....
No more comment should be bestowed upon...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

金色筆記之10 : 無為而無不為...

取天下常以無事,及其有事,不足以取天下 。



Saturday, August 15, 2009

When elegance wins over passion in Tango....

It is the most Elegant Argentine Tango I have ever seen, while the inner passion prevails the whole atmosphere!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I believe in Love: Dalai Lama

i believe in love
that above all else love is the key
that unlocks the secrets to everything
that love is what we are all searching for
what we seek
even when we don't realise it.
i believe in love that comes in many guises
that we are not always aware when love stands before us,
that sometimes we shun the very thing we seek
because we do not recognise it
in the form that it presents itself.
i believe that love dresses itself
in the garments that best represent
what we need to learn at this time
that love can arrive in the form of
and in her most treasured form... love
that we are so busy looking
we forget to see,
that we are so in the future
or in the past
that we do not see what is right in front of us
that each step, each minute
is the lesson we are supposed to be concentrating on
that if we focus on right here and now
and not on before or after
we will find love in everything we do
and we will give love in everything we do.
We must remember this
we shall never truly know love, the real depth and breadth of her reach
until we are able to truly love ourselves
wholly and completely
without judgement

when we can do that we will see love everywhere
for we will be looking with the eyes of love
and they eyes of love do not find fault
within or without
they see with compassion and understanding.
above all else
i believe in love.

Dalai Lama

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Love Bird
