Saturday, September 6, 2008

About Obsession ...

2008, Bangkok, Wot Pho
I quietly circled around the reclining Buddha, made my wishes and vows, and felt content and convalescent, mystically, for he has the power to override our fear....
In Yalom's Novel, "When Nietzsche Wept",
Nietzsche said: "Despair is the price one pays for self-awareness. If you wish for peace of soul and happiness, you must believe and embrace faith. Those who wish to pursue the truth must forsake peace of mind and devote their life to inquiry."

I call this transpiring, and inquiry: "self-awareness," of which neither an easy nor pleasant path would be paved in front of you...

While during the progression of self awareness, I do believe a faith of truth ( the inborn ability to obtain the stage of enlightenment) and a faith of the awareness for absolute reality, should be encoded within oneself. Otherwise, Nietzsche said these four malicious thoughts will hunt you for the rest of your life : feeling of loneliness, fear of death, craving for freedom, and fear of aging.

Likewise, sometimes, I would weep over something I cannot perceive any certain causes....

If you wish, Let's find out the root of our innermost feeling and burdens....

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